Ask the Vet: All Animals
4th of July Fireworks
With the Fourth of July upon us, what is your recommendation for managing my anxious dog while the fireworks are going off? The noise pollution that…
February Is National Pet Dental Month
Dental disease is a problem that is often under recognized in pets since owners rarely look into their pets' mouths, and pets cannot complain. Cats…
Foods… What’s Safe/Dangerous
What people foods are dangerous to my pets? What should I do if my pets eat one of these foods? Well first it depends on what specific pet you are…
Holiday Hazards Tips
Keep your pets safe this holiday season! Here are some of the top hazards to avoid this time of year: SEASONAL PLANTS Seasonal toxic plants…
Holiday Hazards Tips – 2
Holiday pet hazards and tips. TREE WATER If you get a real Christmas tree, be sure our pet doesn't drink the water. It likely contains chemicals to…
How To Purchase a Pet
I am wondering how to decide how to choose the best pet store to purchase a pet for my child? Do you have a preference? Choosing the right pet…