Feline (and Canine)

Ask the Vet: Feline and Canine

4th of July Fireworks

With the Fourth of July upon us, what is your recommendation for managing my anxious dog while the fireworks are going off? The noise pollution that…

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Are Feline/Canine Worms Transmittable?

QUESTION: I have heard that my dog and cat can give worms to my child.  Is this true?  If so, should I be worried and what can I do to avoid…

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Are Human Foods Safe for Kittens?

QUESTION:  I have 2 kittens, they are about 6 months old. My husband gives them human food (behind my back). Is it ok to do…

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Bloody Stool – Feline

QUESTION: Every once in a while my cat has fresh blood in his stools.  Is this normal?  What do you recommend?  He is otherwise active, eats…

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Canine Poison Control

QUESTION: My dog ate some of my ibuprofen.  Do I need to worry about it? ANSWER: This is a loaded question.  I would need to know the…

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Canine Teeth Cleaning

QUESTION: Will feeding my dog dry food help keep her teeth clean?  My vet recommended a dental cleaning for my dog.  Is there a cheaper natural…

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Canines and Trash Cans

QUESTION: My dog often gets into the garbage.  Are there any easy ways to deter him?  Is this dangerous to his health? ANSWER: If I could…

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Change in Behavior – Hiding, Flinching, Difficulty Chewing

QUESTION: My cat has always been one to hide a lot, but I noticed that this has become worse over the last few months.  Recently I noticed that…

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Feline Constipation

QUESTION: My cat keeps going back and forth to the litter box.  Is he constipated?  What should I do? ANSWER: Although constipation does…

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Feline Dental Sensitivity (FORL)

Question: My cat is reluctant to chew hard food and I noticed that some of her teeth are partly pink in color.  She seems uncomfortable.  What…

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Feline Dewormer Treatments

QUESTION: My cat has worms.  Can I use an over-the-counter dewormer to treat it? How can I prevent them? ANSWER: There are several types of…

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Feline Shedding/Fur Balls

QUESTION: My cat is shedding like crazy and I have been seeing a lot more fur-balls.  Is there anything I can do to help my cat? ANSWER: I…

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Feline Teeth Cleaning

QUESTION: My vet suggested I have my cat’s teeth cleaned.  They don’t look too dirty to me.  Is this really necessary?  Can I do anything…

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Feline Urination Problems

QUESTION: My cat is urinating all over the house.  What should I do? ANSWER: Far too often cats are abandoned or given up to local humane…

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Grass… Good or Bad for Cats?

QUESTION: My cat loves to eat grass.  Is there any dietary deficiency that would cause this?  Is it good for her?  She usually vomits shortly…

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Holiday De-Stress Tips for Cats

The holiday season can be a stressful time for a cat.  Here are some tips to keep your feline friend(s) safe and happy: Provide solitude. …

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How to Get Rid of Fleas

QUESTION: My cat has fleas and I have tried a bunch of products to try to get rid of the problem.  Any suggestions? ANSWER: First, let’s…

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How to Keep Your Pup Snoozing During the Winter

The cold weather is upon us, which means plenty of food, fun, and family time. It also means blistering cold winds and rainy nights. While this may…

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Keep Your Cat Cozy During The Holidays

As the calendar year approaches the holidays, you might have a lot on your mind. Perhaps you’re thinking about what type of pie to have at…

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Kitten Vaccinations Pros & Cons

QUESTION: I have heard that vaccines can have serious side effects and I am not sure if I should have my kitten vaccinated?  What are the pros…

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Puppy Vaccinations

QUESTION: I just got a new miniature schnauzer puppy that is 10 weeks old.  The breeder said that he is at risk for infectious diseases until his…

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Recent Increase in Thirst

QUESTION: My cat is 17 years old.  Just recently she seems to be drinking a lot more water. She seems healthy otherwise with no other changes. …

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Tips for Air Travel with Cats and Dogs

QUESTION: I need to fly with my pets (a dog and 2 cats).  What should I do to prepare? ANSWER: Over the years it has become progressively…

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What are Foxtails?

QUESTION: I recently moved to the area and have a dog and a cat.  I have heard a lot of people talking about foxtails.  What are they, and do I…

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